Hiring process and information#

This page contains information about the hiring process at 2i2c. It is meant to be a helpful guide and resources to streamline hiring in the future[1].

Overview of hiring process#

Below is a brief overview of the process we must follow any time we wish to make a new job posting. A complete guide to our hiring process is defined in this Hiring Process Template.

  1. Define a Hiring Lead for this hire.

  2. Find, refine, or write an internal job description in the Team Compass.

  3. Create a hiring folder in our Hiring Shared Drive. This needs to be done by the Executive Director.

  4. Write a public job description using the Job Description template in our Templates Folder.

  5. Send the job description to fsp@codeforsociety.org and get approval.

  6. Create a Hiring Committee and add them to materials.

  7. Create a hiring portal where applicants apply.

  8. Post the job and wait for responses.

  9. Triage all applicants and narrow down to 4-8 we wish to learn more about.

  10. Screen 4-8 applicants with a 30 minute phone call.

  11. Interview 1-3 applicants in a 90 minute interview.

  12. Discuss and rank candidates.

  13. Make an offer.

  14. Clean up

  15. Once accepted, move the hiring folder to Archive.

Targeted hiring process#

Sometimes, we detect an outstanding person that we might want to hire because of strategic or tactical reasons and needs.

On those situations, we can make the case for a targeted hiring process.

This process will also have a Hiring Lead and an associateed Hiring Committee and it will follow a similar outline compared with the standard process (although with some modification given that we are interacting with just one person).

This process should clearly states why we are looking for that specific potential hire, should evaluate the impact of that potential hire on our overall budget and it should analyse the potential hire from the EDI perspective (and make sure we follow the EDI-related recommendations described in the Project Include’s inclusive hiring documentation that we took inspiration from to build our general hiring process).

Hiring team#

The hiring team carries out the hiring process. It is a transient team that is put together for the purpose of hiring a new team member, and is usually a collection of team members across other parts of 2i2c.

There are two roles in the hiring team:

Hiring Lead#

The Hiring Lead oversees the hiring process for a candidate. They are usually:

  • The direct supervisor of the person to be hired

  • Experienced with the goals and needs of this hire.

  • Experienced with the skills and qualities needed for the job

  • Familiar with hiring processes in general (at 2i2c or elsewhere)

Hiring Committee#
Hiring Team Members#

Individuals that help out with various parts of the hiring process. We aim to spread the load of serving on hiring committees across team members, and try to have committee members for individuals that will work closely with the new hire.

Where to find information#

We have a few resources to help with hiring, see below: