Overview of the service#

This section describes a high-level overview of our Managed JupyterHub Service and the major teams, processes, and expectations around this service for both 2i2c and the partner community we work with. This page provides some high-level information to help you get started, and the sections below go into more detail on our service model and structure.

If you’re interested in setting up a service for your community, click the button below to send us an email.

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What is the hub service?#

Managed JupyterHub Service#

An open, scalable, sustainable cloud service for interactive computing environments in research and education. It follows a “DevOps as a Service” model where communities in research and education can pay for managed cloud infrastructure that runs on an entirely open source stack, and give you the right to replicate your infrastructure.

It is run by 2i2c, a non-profit organization that develops and operates interactive computing infrastructure for research and education. 2i2c values transparency and community driven infrastructure. The sections below describe the Managed JupyterHub Service, its strategy and goals, as well as information about its major features and pricing.

Who is this service for?#

2i2c’s Managed JupyterHub Service is designed for communities in research and education who want the following things:

  1. Access to the latest technology in Jupyter and interactive computing for collaborative and scalable data science running in the cloud.

  2. To utilize open source, community-driven tools and standards.

  3. To partner with a mission-aligned organization that transparently and collaboratively runs infrastructure as a team.

  4. To use infrastructure that they could take control of themselves, and that gives the user the Right to Replicate.

  5. To use infrastructure that is designed by and for individuals in research and education.

  6. To support infrastructure from a non-profit organization that is committed to communities in research, education, and open source.

Your Right to Replicate your infrastructure#

A core principle of 2i2c is to build and manage technology that is controlled by the community that uses it. One way in which we adhere to this principle is by respecting the Community Right to Replicate. This states the following:

The Right to Replicate gives communities the right to replicate their infrastructure in its entirety elsewhere, with or without 2i2c.

We believe that following this principle will lead to a more equitable and more productive ecosystem for research and education in the cloud. It also helps avoid many of the potential downsides of relying on a cloud vendor for infrastructure. Read the Right to Replicate documentation for more information about what this means.

See also

Check out Migrate off of a JupyterHub for information about replicating a 2i2c JupyterHub.

Sustaining open source#

Everything that 2i2c deploys is open source and community-driven projects. We prioritize using multi-stakeholder projects that are well-supported by a diverse community of contributors. The resources that we receive to run 2i2c JupyterHubs thus also go towards making open-source improvements in these communities so that others may benefit from them. We see this as an opportunity to solve two problems with one stream of funding: support research and education, and support open source communities in the Jupyter ecosystem and beyond.