Move a Hub across clusters#

Moving hubs between clusters is possible, but requires manual steps to ensure data is preserved.

1. Setup a new hub#

Setup a new hub in the target cluster, mimicking the config of the old hub as much as possible.

2. Copy home directories#

Next, copy home directory contents from the old cluster to the new cluster.


This might not entirely be necessary - if the source and target cluster are in the same GCP Project / AWS Account, we can just re-use the same home directory storage!

NFS Servers#

Primarily used with GKE right now.

  1. SSH into both the target server and source server and then enable the ubuntu user on both servers with sudo su ubuntu. This will ensure that the keys we are about to create will be assigned to the correct user.

  2. In the target NFS server, create a new ssh key-pair, with ssh-keygen -f nfs-transfer-key

  3. Append the public key to the source NFS server’s /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys file. This way, the target NFS server will be able to open SSH connections to the source NFS server.

  4. Copy the NFS home directories from the source NFS server to the target NFS server, making sure that the NFS exports locations match up appopriately. For example, if the source NFS server has home directories for each hub stored in /export/home-01/homes, and the target NFS server also has hub home directories stored under /export/home-01/homes, you can scp the contents across with:

    scp -p -r -i nfs-transfer-key ubuntu@nfs-source-server-public-IP:/export/home-01/homes/<hub-name> /export/home-01/homes/<hub-name>

    This makes sure the target is owned by the ubuntu user, which has uid 1000. Our user pods run as uid 1000, so this makes sure they can mount their home directories.

As an alternative to scp you can use rsync as follows:

rsync -e 'ssh -i nfs-transfer-key' -rouglvhP ubuntu@nfs-source-server-public-IP:/export/home-01/homes/<hub-name>/ /export/home-01/homes/<hub-name>/


The trailing slashes are important to copy the contents of the directory, without copying the directory itself.

See the rsync man page to understand these options.


For long-running tasks, especially those running on a remote machine, we recommend using screen. Screen is a utility that allows starting screen sessions that can then be put to run in the background with the possibility of re-attaching to them. Processes running in screen will continue to run in the background even if you get disconnected.

GCP Filestores#

We also use GCP Filestores as in-cluster NFS storage and can transfer the home directories between them in a similar fashion to the NFS servers described above.

The filestores must be mounted in order to be accessed.

  1. Create VMs in the projects of the source and target filestores.

  2. For both filestores, get the server address from the GCP console.

  3. On each VM for the source and target filestores:

    1. Install nfs-common:

      sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get -y install nfs-common
    2. Create a mount point:

      sudo mkdir -p /mnt/filestore
    3. Mount the Filestore:

      sudo mount SERVER_ADDRESS /mnt/filestore

The user directories can then be transferred in the same manner as NFS Servers with the locations updated to be the following:

<your_scp_or_rsync_command> ubuntu@nfs-source-server-public-IP:/mnt/filestore/<hub-name> /mnt/filestore/<hub-name>


AWS DataSync (docs) can copy files between EFS volumes in an AWS account. The [quickstart] Once the source & dest EFS instances are created, create a DataSync instance in the the VPC, Subnet and Security Group that have access to the EFS instance (you can find these details in the ‘Network’ tab of the EFS page in the AWS Console). Set the transfer to hourly, but immediately manually start the sync task. Once the data is transfered over and verified, switch the EFS used in the hub config. Remember to delete the datasync instance soon after - or it might incur extra charges!


If you need to modify the directory structure on the EFS instance, use the ssh key provided to eksctl during cluster creation to ssh into any worker node. Then mount the EFS instance manually and do your modifications. This prevents needing to create another EC2 instance just for this.

Azure Files#


You may be tempted to attach an existing NFS server across two clusters. However, this is not possible since Azure VMs cannot simultaneously exist in two virtual networks and each cluster will have it’s own network.

We also use AzureFiles as in-cluster NFS storage. These are the steps to transfer the home directories from a NFS server located in another cluster, but in the same Azure subscription, into AzureFile NFS storage.

AzureFile needs to be mounted in the source NFS VM in order to copy the data.

  1. Make sure AzureFile has access to the VNet in which the source NFS VM is in. Documentation on how to do that is can be found here.

  2. On the source NFS VM:

    1. Locate the private ssh key counterpart of the public one set for this cluster. The private key is usually encrypted with sops and stored into the repository where the infrastructure config of the cluster resides.

      sops -d secrets/ssh-key > secrets/ssh-key.unsafe
    2. Make sure kubectl is authenticated with the Azure cluster that hosts the source VM, as we’ll be ‘hopping’ through it to access the NFS VM.

      • List available contexts:

        kubectl config get-contexts
      • If the desired context doesn’t show up in the list above, then authenticate using:

        az aks get-credentials --name CLUSTER_NAME --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME
      • Switch to using the desired context

        kubectl config use-context <the-desired-context>
    3. Ssh into the source NFS VM using the ./terraform/ script, passing it the private key from step 1, the authorized user to connect to the VM using this key pair (this is usually hubadmin or hub-admin, and can be found in the terraform config azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.linux_profile.admin_username), and the address of the NFS VM.

      ssh -i secrets/ssh-key.unsafe -o 'ProxyCommand=./terraform/ %h %p' <admin-username>@<nfs-server-address>
  3. Mount AzureFile onto the sourcec NFS VM with the following commands (run inside the NFS VM):

    1. Create a mount point:

      sudo mkdir -p /mnt/new-nfs
    2. Mount the Filestore:

      sudo mount -t nfs /mnt/new-nfs -o vers=4,minorversion=1,sec=sys
    3. Create a subdirectory to store the data, called prod. This means that user’s home dirs that we will be copying will not be available on the staging hub, but only for the prod hub. This is to protect the user data in case the staging hub gets breached.

      sudo mkdir /mnt/new-nfs/prod
      sudo chown 1000:1000 /mnt/new-nfs/prod
  4. Start transferring the user directories: From within the source NFS VM:

    <your_scp_or_rsync_command> <homes-directory-location-on-the-source-nfs-server> /mnt/new-nfs/prod/


If the total size of the home directories is considerable, then copying the files from one cluster to another might take a long time. So make sure you have enough time to perform this operation and check the transfer rates once the data transfer starts.

Tip: You can use this script that performs a parallel rsync of home directories for active users only.

3. Set up Grafana Dashboards for the new cluster#

Make sure the new cluster has Grafana Dashboards deployed. If not, follow the steps in Set up Grafana Dashboards for a cluster. Also, verify if the old cluster had Prometheus deployed and whether you also need to migrate that.

4. Take down the current hub#

Delete the proxy service to make the hub unreacheable.

kubectl delete svc proxy-public -n <old_prod_namespace>


This is a disruptive operation, and will make the hub unusable until the remaining steps are performed and the new hub is ready. So make sure you have planned a migration down-time with the hub representatives.

5. Transfer the JupyterHub Database#


This step is only required if users have been added to a hub manually, using the admin panel. In cases where the auth is handled by an external service, e.g. GitHub, the hub database is flexible enough to update itself with the new information.

This step preserves user information, since they might be added via the admin UI.

  1. Copy the /srv/jupyterhub/jupyerhub.sqlite file from the old hub pod locally.

    kubectl --namespace OLD_NAMESPACE cp -c hub OLD_HUB_POD_NAME:/srv/jupyterhub/jupyterhub.sqlite ./
  2. Transfer the local copy of the jupyterhub.sqlite file to the new hub pod

    kubectl --namespace NEW_NAMESPACE cp -c hub ./jupyterhub.sqlite NEW_HUB_POD_NAME:/srv/jupyterhub/jupyterhub.sqlite

6. Delete all user pods from the old cluster#

This will kick out all users from the old hub and close any running user servers and kernels.

kubectl get pods -n <old_prod_namespace> --no-headers=true | awk '/jupyter/{print $1}' | xargs kubectl delete -n <old_prod_namespace> pod

7. Do one final copying of the home directories#

This will catch all the user changes since the last rsync. However long this takes is the total amount of downtime we’ll have.

8. Transfer DNS#

Retrieve the external IP address for the ingress-nginx load balancer.

kubectl --namespace support get svc support-ingress-nginx-controller

Edit the existing DNS entry in NameCheap that matches the old hub domain and type in this external IP address.

This will move DNS from old cluster to new cluster, thus completing the move.

9. Cleanup the old cluster and NFS VM#

Make sure to preserve any relevant information (such as hub logs) before tearing down the cluster and NFS VM.