We use eksctl to provision our k8s clusters on AWS.

Install needed tools locally#

  1. Follow the instructions outlined in Set up and use the the deployment scripts locally to set up the local environment and prepare sops to encrypt and decrypt files.

  2. Install the awscli tool (you can use pip or conda to install it in the environment) and configure it to use the provided AWS user credentials. Follow this guide for a quick configuration process.

  3. Install the latest version of eksctl. Mac users can get it from homebrew with brew install eksctl. Make sure the version is at least 0.97 - you can check by running eksctl version

Create a new cluster#

Setup credentials#

Depending on wether this project is using AWS SSO or not, you can use the following links to figure out how to authenticate to this project from your terminal.

Create an ssh key#

eksctl requires an ssh key during cluster creation. This is used to log in to the nodes to debug them later if necessary. We keep the private key encrypted in eksctl/ssh-keys.

Generate the key with

ssh-keygen -f eksctl/ssh-keys/<cluster-name>.key

and encrypt the private key part with

sops --in-place --encrypt eksctl/ssh-keys/<cluster-name>.key

This will leave the public key unencrypted in eksctl/ssh-keys/<cluster-name> - we will use this in our eksctl config.

Create and render an eksctl config file#

We use an eksctl config file in YAML to specify how our cluster should be built. Since it can get repetitive, we use jsonnet to declaratively specify this config. You can find the .jsonnet files for the current clusters in the eksctl/ directory.

Create a new .jsonnet file by copying an existing one and making whatever modifications you would like. The eksctl docs have a reference for all the possible options. You’d want to make sure to change at least the following:

  • Region / Zone - make sure you are creating your cluster in the correct region!

  • Size of nodes in instancegroups, for both notebook nodes and dask nodes. In particular, make sure you have enough quota to launch these instances in your selected regions.

  • Kubernetes version - older .jsonnet files might be on older versions, but you should pick a newer version when you create a new cluster.

  • The ssh key path points to the <cluster-name> file we created in the previous step

Once you have a .jsonnet file, you can render it into a config file that eksctl can read.

jsonnet <your-cluster>.jsonnet > <your-cluster>.eksctl.yaml

Create the cluster#

Now you’re ready to create the cluster!

eksctl create cluster  --config-file <your-cluster>.eksctl.yaml

This might take a few minutes.

If any errors are reported in the config (there is a schema validation step), fix it in the .jsonnet file, re-render the config, and try again.

Once it is done, you can test access to the new cluster with kubectl, after getting credentials via:

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name=<your-cluster-name> --region=<your-cluster-region>

kubectl should be able to find your cluster now! kubectl get node should show you at least one core node running.

Grant access to other users#

AWS EKS has a strange access control problem, where the IAM user who creates the cluster has full access without any visible settings changes, and nobody else does. You need to explicitly grant access to other users. Find the usernames of the 2i2c engineers on this particular AWS account, and run the following command to give them access:

eksctl create iamidentitymapping \
   --cluster <your-cluster-name> \
   --region <your-cluster-region> \
   --arn arn:aws:iam::<your-org-id>:user/<iam-user-name> \
   --username <iam-user-name> \
   --group system:masters

This gives all the users full access to the entire kubernetes cluster. They can fetch local config with aws eks update-kubeconfig --name=<your-cluster-name> --region=<your-cluster-region> after this step is done.

This should eventually be converted to use an IAM Role instead, so we need not give each individual user access, but just grant access to the role - and users can modify them as they wish.

Create account with finely scoped permissions for automatic deployment#

Our AWS terraform code can then be used to create an AWS IAM user with just enough permissions for automatic deployment of hubs from CI/CD. Since these credentials are checked-in to our git repository and made public, they should have least amount of permissions possible.

  1. Create a .tfvars file for this cluster under terraform/aws/projects. Currently, you only have to specify region.

  2. Initialize terraform for use with AWS. We still store terraform state in GCP, so you also need to have gcloud set up and authenticated already.

    cd terraform/aws
    terraform init
  3. Create the appropriate IAM users and permissions.

    terraform apply -var-file projects/<your-cluster-name>.tfvars

    Observe the plan carefully, and accept it.

  4. Fetch credentials we can encrypt and check-in to our repository so they are accessible from our automatic deployment.

    terraform output -raw continuous_deployer_creds > ../../config/clusters/<your-cluster-name>/deployer-credentials.secret.json
    sops --output config/clusters/<your-cluster-name>/enc-deployer-credentials.secret.json --encrypt ../../config/clusters/<your-cluster-name>/deployer-credentials.secret.json

    Double check to make sure that the config/clusters/<your-cluster-name>/enc-deployer-credentials.secret.json file is actually encrypted by sops before checking it in to the git repo. Otherwise this can be a serious security leak!

  5. Grant the freshly created IAM user access to the kubernetes cluster.

    eksctl create iamidentitymapping \
       --cluster <your-cluster-name> \
       --region <your-cluster-region> \
       --arn arn:aws:iam::<your-org-id>:user/hub-continuous-deployer \
       --username hub-continuous-deployer \
       --group system:masters
  6. In your hub deployment file (config/clusters/<your-cluster-name>/cluster.yaml), provide enough information for the deployer to find the correct credentials.

    provider: aws
       key: enc-deployer-credentials.secret.json
       clusterType: eks
       clusterName: <your-cluster-name>
       region: <your-region>


    The aws.key file is defined relative to the location of the cluster.yaml file.

Scaling up a nodegroup in a cluster#

eksctl creates nodepools that are mostly immutable, except for autoscaling properties - minimum and maximum number of nodes. In certain cases, it might be helpful to ‘scale up’ a nodegroup in a cluster before an event, to test cloud provider quotas or to make user server startup faster.

  1. Open the appropriate .jsonnet file for the cluster in question, and set a minSize property of notebookNodes to the appropriate number you want.


    It is currently unclear if lowering the minSize property just allows the autoscaler to reclaim nodes, or if it actively destroys nodes at time of application! If it actively destroys nodes, it is unclear if it does so regardless of user pods running in these nodes! Until this can be determined, please do scale-downs only when there are no users on the nodes.

  2. Render the .jsonnet file into a YAML file with:

    jsonnet <your-cluster>.jsonnet > <your-cluster>.eksctl.yaml
  3. Use eksctl to scale the cluster.

    eksctl scale nodegroup --config-file=<your-cluster>.eksctl.yaml


    eksctl might print warning messages such as retryable error (Throttling: Rate exceeded. This is just a warning, and shouldn’t have any actual effects on the scaling operation except cause a delay.

  4. Validate that appropriate new nodes are coming up by authenticating to the cluster, and running kubectl get node.

  5. Commit the change and make a PR, and note that you have already completed the scaling operation. This is flexible, as the scaling operation might need to be timed differently in each case. The goal is to make sure that the minSize parameter in the github repository matches reality.

EFS for home directories#

The terraform run in the previous step would have also created an EFS instance for use as home directories, and sets up the network correctly to mount it.

Get the address the hub should use for connecting to NFS with terraform output nfs_server_dns, and set it in the hub’s config under nfs.pv.serverIP (nested under basehub when necessary).

Add the cluster to be automatically deployed#

The CI deploy-hubs workflow contains the list of clusters being automatically deployed by our CI/CD system. Make sure there is an entry for new AWS cluster.