Automatic hub deployment#

Further reading

You can learn more about this workflow in our blog post Multiple JupyterHubs, multiple clusters, one repository.

The best place to learn about the latest state of our automatic hub deployment is to look at the deploy-hubs.yaml GitHub Actions workflow file. This workflow file depends on a locally defined action that sets up access to a given cluster and itself contains four main jobs, detailed below.

1. generate-jobs: Generate Helm upgrade jobs#

The first job takes a list of files that have been added/modified as part of a Pull Request and pipes them into the generate-helm-upgrade-jobs sub-command of the deployer module. This sub-command uses a set of functions to calculate which hubs on which clusters require a helm upgrade, alongside whether the support chart and staging hub on that cluster should also be upgraded. If any production hubs require an upgrade, the upgrade of the staging hub is a requirement.

This job provides the following outputs:

  • Two JSON objects that can be read by later GitHub Actions jobs to define matrix jobs. These JSON objects detail: which clusters require their support chart and/or staging hub to be upgraded, and which production hubs require an upgrade.

  • The above JSON objects are also rendered as human-readable tables using rich.

Some special cased filepaths#

While the aim of this workflow is to only upgrade the pieces of the infrastructure that require it with every change, some changes do require us to redeploy everything.

  • If a cluster’s cluster.yaml file has been modified, we upgrade the support chart and all hubs on that cluster. This is because we cannot tell what has been changed without inspecting the diff of the file.

  • If any of the basehub, daskhub, or binderhub Helm charts have additions/modifications in their paths, we redeploy all hubs across all clusters.

  • If the support Helm chart has additions/modifications in its path, we redeploy the support chart on all clusters.

  • If the deployer module has additions/modifications in its path, then we redeploy all hubs on all clusters.


Right now, we redeploy everything when the deployer changes since the deployer undertakes some tasks that generates config related to authentication. This may change in the future as we move towards the deployer becoming a separable, stand-alone package.

2. upgrade-support-and-staging: Upgrade support and staging hub Helm charts on clusters that require it#

The next job reads in one of the JSON objects detailed above that defines which clusters need their support chart and/or staging hub upgrading. Note that it is not a requirement for both the support chart and staging hub to be upgraded during this job. A matrix job is set up that parallelises over all the clusters defined in the JSON object. For each cluster, the support chart is first upgraded (if required) followed by the staging hub (if required).


The 2i2c cluster is a special case here as it has two staging hubs: one running the basehub Helm chart, and the other running the daskhub Helm chart. We therefore run an extra step for the 2i2c cluster to upgrade the dask-staging hub (if required).

We use staging hubs as canary deployments and prevent deploying production hubs if a staging deployment fails. Hence, the last step of this job is to set an output variable that stores if the job completed successfully or failed.

3. filter-generate-jobs: Filter out jobs for clusters whose support/staging job failed#

This job is an optimisation job. While we do want to prevent all production hubs on Cluster X from being upgraded if its support/staging job fails, we don’t want to prevent the production hubs on Cluster Y from being upgraded because the support/staging job for Cluster X failed.

This job reads in the production hub job definitions generated in job 1 and the support/staging success/failure variables set in job 2, then proceeds to filter out the productions hub upgrade jobs that were due to be run on a cluster whose support/staging job failed.

4. upgrade-prod-hubs: Upgrade Helm chart for production hubs in parallel#

This last job deploys all production hubs that require it in parallel to the clusters that successfully completed job 2.

Known issues with this workflow#

Sometimes the generate-jobs job fails with the following message:

The head commit for this pull_request event is not ahead of the base commit. Please submit an issue on this action's GitHub repo.

This issue is tracked upstream and can be resolved by rebasing your branch against master.

Posting the deployment plan as a comment on a Pull Request#

The generate-jobs job outputs tables of all the hubs across all the clusters that will be upgraded as a result of changes in the repository. However, this table can be difficult to track down in amongst the GitHub Actions logs. Therefore, we have another workflow that will post this information as a comment on the Pull Request that triggered the run for discoverability.

When generate-jobs has been triggered by a PR, extra steps are run: first, the deployer converts the matrix jobs into Markdown tables (provided there are valid jobs) and saves them to a file; and second, the job exports the number of the PR to a file. These files are then uploaded as GitHub Actions artifacts.

Upon the successful completion of the “Deploy and test hubs” workflow, the “Comment Hub Deployment Plan to a Pull Request” workflow is executed.

This workflow downloads the artifacts uploaded by generate-jobs and then uses the GitHub API to complete the following tasks:

  • Establish whether a deployment plan has already been added to the Pull Request, as identified by a comment made by the user github-actions[bot] and the presence of the <!-- deployment-plan --> tag in the comment body.

  • Either update an existing comment or create a new comment on the PR posting the Markdown tables downloaded as an artifact.

Why we’re using artifacts and separate workflow files

Any secrets used by GitHub Actions are not available to Pull Requests that come from forks by default to protect against malicious code being executed with privileged access. generate-jobs needs to run in the PR context in order to establish which files are added/modified, but the required secrets would not be available for the rest of the workflow that would post a comment to the PR.

To overcome this in a secure manner, we upload the required information (the body of the comment to be posted and the number of the PR the comment should be posted to) as artifacts. We then trigger a new workflow, not running in the PR context and with secret access, to complete the process of interacting with the API to post the comment.

See this blog on securing workflows for more context.